How To Plan For Your Future By the year 2040 one in 12 of us in the UK will be aged over 80. Currently, approximately 20% of the Scottish population is of retirement age. Many of those people are still extremely fit and active and are enjoying their retirement to the full. We all wish to have a long and healthy retirement, however, we believe it makes sense to plan for your future especially whilst you are in a position to make the best decisions for yourself. Everybody should put in place plans for future care, and legal protection to look after their affairs. Power of Attorney This is a very useful legal tool which everyone should consider putting in place. By making a Lasting Power of Attorney , you are able to choose who will have the legal authority to manage your affairs and speak on your behalf, if in the future, you lose the capacity to do so because of physical illness, frailty or mental health issues. Family Trust It is a comfort to know that ...
A blog with helpful legal information and advice based on Scottish Law. Fergusson Law is a firm of solicitors in Edinburgh, Scotland.